Preferences menu and auto-update
Oliver Wolf
Preferences is on of the next big things which are planned. The first things you will be able to configure are the following:
-> Allow user to choose between dark and light mode explicitly
-> Allow user to configure font size for the editor
-> Allow user to configure that the toolbar disappears after the mouse has not been moved for x seconds
-> Allow user to configure to not display section type selector
Please let me know if there is any config you would like to see in the preferences.
The auto update is something which I already spend quite some time with. You certenly have seen the small download update button in the lower left corner of the document list window. Unfortunately this does not work very reliable. This seems to be a problem with the underlying technology used for this (electron). I was hoping that in time this will be fixed by electron and I just have to upgrade to the newest electron version. I'll guess it will be on the roadmap early next year.
I hope this answer clarifies a few things. Please let me know what preferences are important to you.
Oliver Wolf thanks for answer, despite it is my fault that i forgot i wrote here. Allowing user to choose their own fonts and line spacing options must be . Also it would be great customization menu on editor